100 Faces

New personal project.
Emilie wants to draw 100 different faces, to show the diversity in humans. Every one that participates have to write down a compliment to them self. Emilie want people to appreciate them selv more and not bring them self down.
Face number 1.
27 years old from Løten, Norway.
«I know this is some pure Dr. Phil shit, but I’ve always been a big believer in the whole «being your own best friend» thing, and I’ve always appreciated that about myself. I truly believe that having the ability to give yourself a few kind words on a daily basis is key to a balanced mind, heart and body»
Face number 2.
27 years old from Sogndal, Norway.
"I'm good at smiling“
Face number 3.
23 years old from Tromsø, Norway.
"I am a strong and proud indigenous woman (Sjøsame)."
Face number 4.
39 years old from Norway
"The things I like make me stand out. For example my clothes. At the same time I can be stressed when I am the one who is different. But I choose to stand out when I want to. That is something that I am proud of."

From: Kongsvinger, Norway.
"I work hard for what I am passionate about, believing that I can achieve anything I want to if it truely makes me happy at the same time. If things are done with love, I think it shines through the result; being my music, food, a party or a painting."

Age: 25
From: Australia
"I never disliked my face. It's simple, quite symmetrical. It fulfills all the purposes that a face should."

Age: 25
From: Tromsø, Norway
"I never give up, even how heavy it is, so I always carry on. always."

Age: 24
From: Southern Norway
"I love my freckles that I have on my entire body"

From: Trondheim, Norway

Age: 49
From: Manchester, England

Age: 24
From: Oslo
"I smile as much as I can! One of the most beautiful things I know is to make people smile and smile by people who smile."

Age: 20
From: Bergen, Norway
"I think the best accessory is a smile and confidence. Unbeatable combo!"

Age: 23
From: Oslo
"I am a creative and solution oriented person"

Age: 27
From: Tromsø, Norway
"I practice to becoming my own best supporter. I deserve that."

Age: 25
From: Sveio, Norway
"I have become really fond of my smile and and feel it really light up my face."

Age: 26
From: Hamar, Norway
"Learn to love yourself before loving someone else. I start by loving my freckles .."

Age 22
From Bergen/Tønsberg, Norway
"I never give up"

From Hardanger, Norway
"I like the mole on my cheek and my smile :) the mole gets progressively bigger and needs a check occasionally. The mold I see as pretty, can in the future be something scary. So the most important thing is that my body is healthy and functioning properly."

Age 24
From Cleveland, Ohio
"I’m a new graduate starting my nursing career in the middle of a pandemic and I have not given up, nor have I cracked under the pressure. My ability to persevere is insurmountable."

Age: 22
From: Norway - originally from Kurdistan, Northern Iraq
"I like my friends, I'm good at picking out friends"

I love this. It’s a beautiful project you make, there the people can tell the good they have. Hope I will see more of this.
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